Official Place for on deweys design will it work?
yes you heard it from me one of the first people to get some of godaddy’s premium domain names will see how it works out on google, yahoo, and Bing. but for now when you type in it goes to We will see how nice it will play with deweys custom website designs .com
was thinking about taking the occc college website design class in town dont wont to waste my money cause everyone says it doesn’t do anything on the net. What do you think? also i hear from everyone that goes to the college class in lincoln city they end up calling you next so instead of wasting my time and money can you do a website and show me how it works. I dont have to much money but everyone in town speaks highly of you. Thanks for your time and i look forward to hearing from you. terry
terry i went to that class all they teach is wordpress that a blog not a website i had jim do a custom site, he is by far the best website designer around A plus!! One of the few website designers in oregon that actually know what he is doing. The only designer i could find in lincoln city.. Thanks again jim and terry you should diffently just call jim tell him tara sent you!
yes it is basic stuff but wordpress is always good to know i prefer coffeeCup, joobla, or magento just because less people use them and you get a better ranking on google. But u do learn the basics in a four-week course to build a website class at occc (oregon coast community college). But yes you learn how to do wordpress, its a blog not a website! Im always getting questions on this course and just so you know what it is its wordpress! I just looked it up, “WordPress is a free and open source blogging tool”, “Blogging tool” is the keyword not a business website! I did go into the college website class to check out this hummingbird algorithm they where offering. I was quite disappointed cause all they talked about was selling you a wordpress class come on guys! I will try not to type to much smack but it was quite a pointless class! But i do get allot of business websites from the frustration and failure of not getting on the first page of google with wordpress. We usually have to start over with CUSTOM website. In short it is nice to take the class if you want to learn basic stuff if you have the time. Sorry to ramble on, thanks tara for the support! I’m currently helping terry out and will try to post his site soon. Even though might have to send you the password if he doesnt mind doing live feed on surveillance with login and gps of all employes on the road. With a refresh every 24 sec on the site. Also tracking of every delivery thought the site and receipt of delivery though email and signature posted on login acct tricky stuff but pretty cool! Thanks again now back to the million emails i get to respond to!
thanks again for all your help on my custom website i love it so much better than the word press one i did and the mobile version rocks to. You are by far the best website designer on the Oregon coast thanks again ryan!
you are right jim is the best website designer around thanks again for all you hard work! You were well worth the wait thanks again!
do you do mobile website .css style sheets to make my custom website i have now work?
read my blog i have a new post on mobile websites.