Complete Website Design in Lincoln city Oregon in notepad!
Check this complete custom website done using notepad, no cheating here. No templates or theme’s were used in the creation of this website design. All codes and style sheet was done using notepad! it has a issues in internet 7 but who use’s that anymore it still works in ie7! This custom website was built in request for something simple and earth tone colors. Sense it was a simple custom website i figured i would build it in notepad tricky tricky..(minus the gallery.) Tell me what u think? there is screen shot below or do a search for “Lincoln city hair salon” she at the top!
This is a comment to the admin. Your website rocks and I love the mobile redirect too. Looking forward to a complete custom website done from you email me back when ever you are ready Take care.
so you did this whole custom website from scratch in notepad? I see you do websites in other interfaces like dreamweaver can you do a complete custom website from a drawing? Both of your custom website look great keep up the good work!
yeah give me a call i can do any custom website or interface you can think of and yes all mobile websites are free!!
good day blogger found your site via search engine it was on the top of google good job can you help me out with mine and if so how much will send you a email with all my contact info. By the way i love your custom / blog website.